PGY1 Pharmacy Residency
Duration: 12 months (PGY-1)
Number of Positions: 4
Starting Date: July 1
Application Deadline: 1/11/2024
Estimated Stipend: $55,350
Interview Required: Yes
The Post Graduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Residency Program at United Health Services Hospitals provides a structured training experience at a community teaching hospital that prepares its graduates to successfully practice in patient care positions and/or pursue further training in a PGY2 residency program in the area of their choice.
Upon successful completion of the program, the resident will be competent in their ability to:
- Manage and improve the medication-use process
- Provide evidence-based, patient-centered medication therapy management with interdisciplinary teams
- Exercise leadership and practice management skills
- Demonstrate project management skills
- Provide medication and practice-related education/training
- Utilize medical informatics.
Clinical Services
- Pharmacokinetic and Renal Dosing Service
- Anticoagulation
- Antimicrobial stewardship
- Opioid stewardship
- Transitions of Care
Learning Experiences
All required and elective rotations are 6 weeks in length, with the exception of orientation which is 4 weeks in length. Elective rotations are also available and may be personalized to meet your interests. Longitudinal rotations are completed over 12 months.
Core Required Rotations
- Orientation (4 weeks)
- Ambulatory Care
- Critical Care
- Internal Medicine
- Pharmacy Administration
- Infectious Diseases/Antimicrobial Stewardship
Longitudinal Experiences
- Pharmacy operations/staffing requirements
- Every other weekend and one 4 hour evening shift per week
- Two holidays at minimum
- Research project
- P & T Committee/ Formulary Management
Additional Resident Activities
- National/regional meetings (ASHP Mid-Year & NYSCHP Annual Assembly)
- ACLS certification and code response
- Precepting and Teaching opportunities
- Committee involvement
Message from the Program Director:Thank you for your interest in the residency program at UHS hospitals. The mission of the UHS Pharmacy Department is to optimize patient outcomes through medication management across the continuum of care. Our vision is to be a valued and innovative member of the UHS patient care team; to make a unique contribution to high quality, safe, patient centered care; to educate others on medications; to be known for integrated service excellence to all populations served; and to be recognized leaders providing outstanding quality services and programs supporting evidence-based pharmaceutical care. We believe we can provide you with the kind of individualized instruction and well-rounded learning experiences that will help you transition from one phase of your professional career to the next. Through experiences in patient centered care, pharmacy operations, and leadership, you will have the opportunity to enhance your clinical skills and confidence in patient care. You will function as a key member of the healthcare team and be accountable for achieving optimal drug therapy outcomes for patients. Along the way you will develop the skills necessary to become a confident, valued provider of education on medication therapy-related topics to patients, to other healthcare professionals and to the community. Upon successful completion of the program at UHS, I am confident you will have built a solid, personal philosophy of practice excellence and a commitment to the profession of pharmacy and possess the necessary skills to provide exceptional pharmaceutical care to patients in a wide variety of healthcare settings. - Caitlyn Ganesh, PharmD, BCCCP, Residency Program Director |
Preceptor Bios
Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer is currently the System Director of Pharmacy for UHS and current president-elect of ASHP. She received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from St. John’s University. She is a certified pharmacist immunizer and is Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy. She maintains Adjunct Clinical Faculty positions at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Binghamton University School of Pharmacy, and is an Affiliate Associate Clinical Professor at St. John’s University. She was a member of the NYS Board of Pharmacy for 10 years and served in several capacities, including Chair of the Executive Committee. Dr. Briscoe-Dwyer is a Past President of both the Long Island Society of Health-system Pharmacists and New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists, and is currently a member of the ASHP Board of Directors. She has been named a Fellow of the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Dr. Briscoe-Dwyer serves as a preceptor for the administration rotation.
Rachel Augustus received her Pharm.D from Western New England University College of Pharmacy in Springfield, MA. She completed a PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at University of Vermont Health Network - Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital in Plattsburgh, NY. Dr. Augustus is a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist. She currently serves as the cardiology preceptor.
Valerie Butash received her Pharm.D. from the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Dr. Butash is the Supervising Pharmacist at UHS Wilson Medical Center, and serves as the preceptor for the pharmacy operations rotation.
Caitlyn Ganesh received her Pharm.D. from Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy in Wilkes-Barre, PA. She completed a pharmacy practice residency at Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse, NY and is a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist. Dr. Ganesh is the Director of the Residency Program and serves as a preceptor for the internal medicine rotation and emergency medicine elective rotation.
Janine Marie Garcia received her Pharm.D. from the Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School, and completed an academic/community pharmacy PGY1 residency through the University of Texas at Austin/H-E-B. Dr. Garcia is working towards board certification in ambulatory care. She serves as a lead preceptor for the Transitions of Care elective rotation.
Amber Jerauld received her Pharm.D. from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. She then completed a PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at the Denver VA in Denver, CO and a PGY-2 Primary Care residency at Kaiser Permanente in Denver, CO. Amber is a board certified ambulatory care specialist. She has a wide variety of experiences in ambulatory care including anticoagulation management, diabetes, hypertension and lipid management. She currently serves as one of the Ambulatory Care preceptors at United Health Services.
James Jester received his Bachelors in Pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy and a Pharm.D. from the Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy at Shenandoah University. Dr. Jester serves as the PGY1 pharmacy residency preceptor for the Pharmacy Administration rotation.
Tenzin Legdup earned his doctorate of pharmacy degree from Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. He went on to complete a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at United Health Services Hospitals and a PGY2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency at St. Joseph’s Health Hospital in Syracuse, New York. He is a board-certified infectious disease pharmacist and also holds credentials as an HIV Pharmacist through the American Academy of HIV Medicine. His interests include HIV, antimicrobial stewardship and treatment of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms. Dr. Legdup serves as a preceptor for the Infectious Diseases rotation.
Abagail Lopienski received her Pharm.D. from the University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy in Hartford, CT. She completed a pharmacy practice residency at Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT and is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist. Dr. Lopienski serves a preceptor for the internal medicine rotation.
Christopher Martens received his Pharm.D. from the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy, and completed a pharmacy practice residency at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, New York. Dr. Martens is board certified in pharmacotherapy and infectious disease. Dr. Martens serves as a preceptor for the infectious disease rotation.
Megan Thomas received her Pharm.D. from Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Dr. Thomas is a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist. Dr. Thomas serves as a preceptor for the internal medicine rotation.
Joshua (Josh) Thorpe received his Bachelors in Pharmacy and his PharmD from the University of Connecticut. He is certified in Pain Management through ASHP and is the Preceptor for the Behavioral Health Program.
Tad Williams received his BS Pharm. from the University of Toledo, and his Pharm.D. from Shenandoah University. Dr. Williams is a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist, and serves as the preceptor for the PGY1 cardiology rotation.
Current Residents
Amber Cina
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy
Why I Chose UHS: My choice to pursue residency at UHS is largely attributed to relationships I have built and experiences I have had throughout my 5 years as a pharmacy intern at Wilson. In addition to my work experience, I had multiple rotations as a pharmacy student at UHS and was able to experience first hand how awesome our preceptors are for learners. UHS harbors a supportive environment and I am confident I will grow as a pharmacist throughout the year. There are opportunities for me to expand in my areas of clinical interest including emergency medicine, infectious disease, and critical care.
Cassondra Raymond
Pharmacy School: Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Why I Chose UHS: I decided on UHS for PGY1 residency because of the incredible experiences I had working at UHS as an intern both inpatient and outpatient throughout pharmacy school. During my last year of school I had two rotations at UHS, one at the Vestal Coumadin Clinic and one at Broome Oncology. The preceptors at both rotations created such a welcoming and pleasant environment, while still pushing me to build upon my clinical knowledge. The growth I saw within myself throughout those rotations was something I knew I would continue to see if I pursued a residency position at UHS. I am currently interested in Ambulatory Care and Psychiatric pharmacy, but am beyond excited to explore other areas of pharmacy throughout the residency. It is an honor to have the opportunity to continue to learn and grow with all of the amazing pharmacists here at UHS!
Breanna Sellaouti
Pharmacy School: Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Why I Chose UHS: Throughout all of my interactions with the program, whether it was during my APPE experience or the residency application process, I experienced nothing but positivity. Personally, I look forward to all of the opportunities available in this program including the elective options, teaching ability, and the variety of activities that come with a multicenter teaching healthcare institution. Additionally, being from the area, I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to my community. Lastly, I have found that the people and preceptors integrated into the program do an amazing job facilitating and nurturing a learning environment that will give me a well rounded PGY1 experience.
Hanna Surdi
Pharmacy School: Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Why I Chose UHS: I chose UHS for residency because I have really enjoyed living in the Binghamton area and wanted to continue my career here. After meeting many of the pharmacists at UHS I knew it would be a good learning environment, and that I would be able to become a well-rounded pharmacist after working with them.
Past Pharmacy Residents
Cameron Bogicevic
Pharmacy School: St. John’s University
Position after Residency: Pharmacist at Upstate University Hospital (Syracuse, NY)
Research Project: Analysis of C.difficle testing interventions by pharmacists
James Felice
Pharmacy School: Binghamton University
Position after Residency: Pharmacist at UHS Wilson Medical Center (Johnson City, NY)
Research Project: Difference in mean time to administration of alteplase versus tenecteplace in ischemic stroke
Emily Jones
Pharmacy School: Binghamton University
Position after Residency: Transitions of care pharmacist at UHS Wilson Medical Center (Johnson City, NY)
Research Project: Evaluating the Effects of a Pharmacist-Led Transitions of Care Program on Patient Outcomes and Readmission Rates
Alexandra Mirabile
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: Pharmacist at Bassett Medical Center (Cooperstown, NY)
Research Project: Implementation of Pharmacy Interventions to Increase Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nasal Screening and Decrease Vancomycin Prescribing in
Pneumonia Patients at an Acute Care Hospital
Zoé Moffet PharmD
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: Clinical Pharmacist at UHS Wilson Medical Center (Johnson City, NY)
Current Position: Ambulatory Care Pharmacist at UHS Vestal Campus
Research Project: Impact of transitions of care pharmacists on readmission rates and cost for patients with COPD in a community teaching hospital
Veronica Arceri
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: PGY2 Endocrinology resident at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the Albany Medical Center Division of Community Endocrinology (Albany, NY)
Current Position: Clinical Pharmacist- Ambulatory Care at Yale New Haven Health
Research Project: Pharmacist recommended deprescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in the geriatric
Tenzin Legdup
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: PGY2 Infectious Disease resident at St. Joseph’s Health and Wegmans School of Pharmacy (Syracuse, NY)
Current Position: Antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist at UHS Hospitals (Johnson City, NY)
Research Project: Evaluation of corticosteroid prescribing for immune-mediated adverse effects associated with pembrolizumab and nivolumab in an outpatient oncology clinic setting
Madeline Ciccone
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: Clinical Pharmacist at UHS Wilson Medical Center (Johnson City, NY)
Current Position: PGY2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident at St. Barnabas Hospital
Research Project: Impact of antimicrobial stewardship bundled interventions for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in a rural community health system
Mark Gryskevicz
Pharmacy School: Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: Clinical Pharmacist at UHS Medical Center (Johnson City, NY)
Current Position: Clinical Pharmacist at Christiana Care Hospital (Newark, DE)
Research Project: Implementation of a clinic-level population health management intervention by ambulatory care pharmacists to decrease re-admissions
Abigail Klutts
Pharmacy School: University of Maryland College of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (Baltimore, MD)
Current Position: Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)
Research Project: Comparing fixed and weight based dosing strategies using 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4PCC) for emergent warfarin reversal
Brooke Schooler
Pharmacy School: University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: Clinical Pharmacist at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (Minneapolis, MN)
Research Project: Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis use at a community teaching hospital
Rebekah Harris
Pharmacy School: Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Position after Residency: Clinical pharmacist at Guthrie Towanda Medical Center (Towanda, PA)
Current Position: Clinical Pharmacist at Ascension Lourdes Hospital (Binghamton, NY)
Research Project: Evaluation of the Glasgow Modified Alcohol Withdrawal Scale plus heart rate on alcohol withdrawal outcomes
Ryan Lally
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: Clinical Pharmacist at Bassett Medical Center (Cooperstown, NY)
Current Position: Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital (Greenville, SC)
Research Project: Determining the impact of pharmacy resident led medication reconciliation and education at critical transitions of care on all cause 30-day heart failure readmission rates
Taylor Kelsey
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Resident at Western Missouri (Kansas City, MO)
Current Position: Pharmacist-in-Charge and Psychiatric Team Lead at the University of Kansas Health System Strawberry Hill Campus (Kansas City, KS)
Research Project: Clinical impact of a pharmacist-managed renal dosing service
Neha Kumar
Pharmacy School: St. John’s University, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Resident at New York Presbyterian (New York, NY)
Current Position: Internal Medicine and Transitions of Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, NY)
Research Project: Determining the impact of a pharmacy-driven transition of care program on heart failure patient readmission rates at a community teaching hospital
Tuan Trinh
Pharmacy School: University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC)
Position after Residency: PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Resident at Lutheran Hospital (Cleveland, OH)
Current Position: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Oregon Poison Control Center (Portland, OR)
Research Project: Implementation of a nursing education program to improve patient satisfaction with pain management in a community teaching hospital
Gina Puglisi
Pharmacy School: Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Position after Residency: PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Resident at the Veterans Affairs Maine Healthcare System (Augusta, ME)
Current Position: Primary Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Lexington Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (Lexington, KY)
Research Project: Impact of pharmacy resident’s involvement with transitions of care in a patient centered medical home at a community teaching hospital
Fabienne Chou
Pharmacy School: University of Washington
Position after Residency: PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Resident at the Veterans Affairs Western New York Healthcare System (Buffalo, NY)
Current Position: Mental Health Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the Seattle Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (Seattle, WA)
Research Project: Impact on length of stay and time between acute psychiatric readmissions when converting schizophrenia patients from oral to long-acting injectable antipsychotics
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you participate in the Personnel Placement Service (PPS) during the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting?
- No, our PGY1 program does not participate in PPS. Preceptors and current residents will be happy to answer all of your questions during the residency showcase at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting.
Can you sponsor visas for residents who are not U.S. citizens?
- We currently do not sponsor visas for residents who are not U.S. citizens.
When choosing elective rotations, is your residency program flexible?
- Yes! We strive to structure each resident’s rotation schedule to reflect the resident’s career goals and interests.
Where do residents go after completing a PGY1 Residency at United Health Services?
- Approximately 62% of former PGY1 residents have went on to complete PGY2 specialty residency training. All other former PGY1 residents have found professional positions.
Are teaching opportunities available to residents?
- The United Health Services PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program strives to help residents meet their professional goals. Many teaching opportunities are available to residents including: Assisting with precepting pharmacy students on rotation at the hospital, providing educational lectures and presentations to medical residents, pharmacy professionals at local meetings, as well as the general public.
Does your program offer a teaching certificate?
- Yes, it is offered in conjunction with the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
What are your program's staffing requirements?
- Residents will gain detailed instruction and exceptional experience from highly motivated pharmacists during the orientation rotation prior to starting staffing duties. After ample training, residents are required to staff every other weekend, with Monday off following their staffing weekend and one 4-hour evening shift during the week.
Do I have to be a New York State (NYS) Registered Pharmacy Intern to enter the program?
- All matched residents that are not a NYS Licensed Pharmacist prior to starting the residency program MUST obtain a NYS Pharmacy Limited (Intern) Permit. Failure to have a valid NYS Pharmacy Limited (Intern) Permit prior to starting the residency will result in dismissal from the program.
To Apply
Candidates must be registered with the ASHP Resident Matching Program and apply to the program online via Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PhORCAS).
Candidate Qualifications
At minimum, the resident candidates must meet the following criteria to be considered for selection:
- Graduates or candidates for graduation of an Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredited degree program
- Eligibility to obtain a New York state intern license and become a licensed pharmacist in the state of New York within 90 days of start date of residency
- Current GPA of ≥3.0 on the standardized GPA scale or a “Pass” grade on each class and rotation and within the top 30% of their class if from a “Pass/Fail” program
- Ability to travel for on-site interview if chosen
- Provide the required application documents prior to application deadline
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of intent
- Transcripts (Doctor of Pharmacy program only)
- Three letters of recommendation/references
Applicants will be reviewed and a select number of candidates will be invited for an onsite interview.
Application Process
All of the aforementioned materials must be submitted via PhORCAS, which can be accessed at
The Mission of Our Pharmacy
The mission of the United Health Services Pharmacy Department is to optimize patient outcomes through medication management across the continuum of care.
If you have any questions, contact Caitlyn Ganesh, PharmD, BCCCP, Residency Program Director, at or (607) 763-6135.