Flag-raising held to commemorate Donate Life Month
April 12, 2024
UHS held a flag-raising ceremony at UHS Binghamton General Hospital on April 12 to commemorate National Donate Life Month, a celebration of those who have given the gift of life through organ, eye and tissue donation.
The flag-raising was attended by UHS employees and leaders, along with representatives from the Spiritual Care and Security departments, plus staff from the regional Center for Donation & Transplant. Featured attendees also included a UHS employee who was the recipient of a donation and members of a family of someone who received an organ donation.
During April, Donate Life Month, UHS is partnering with the Center for Donation & Transplant to observe the occasion by spreading awareness within our organization and community about the importance of registering as an organ and tissue donor. We all have the power to save lives by registering.
People of any age can make a powerful difference in someone’s life by being a donor. Donation saves and heals lives every day, but it can only happen when someone makes the important decision to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor. You can make that lifesaving difference by registering your decision at www.cdtnyvt.org
"It is important to remember that organ donation is not just about the recipients. It is also about helping families who are grieving the loss of a loved one, supporting those families, and providing them the opportunity to do something positive at a time when so much has gone wrong in their lives," said Toni Nash, MSN, RN, UHS Director of Nursing Education & Professional Practice, Clinical Coordinator for Organ and Tissue Donation. "The staff at UHS has always been fully committed to supporting and nurturing these grief-stricken families, and making the option of donation a positive experience for them."
The staff at UHS has always been fully committed to supporting our mission of donation and making the option of donation a possibility of our patients and their families. They showed their support on April 12 by wearing blue and green in observance of National Donate Life Month's “Wear Blue & Green Day”. You can see those pictures below.