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Getting Ready for Baby

This class offers an overview of the essentials of newborn care including bathing, diapering, breastfeeding, circumcision, cord care and more.

Opportunities to practice baby care skills are provided. Strategies for helping baby sleep through the night, understanding infant crying and developing comfort skills will be covered. We will have an overview of infant nutrition and discuss the benefits of breastfeeding, breast pumps, storage of breast milk and proper care of bottle and accessories. General well-child care and recognizing signs of illness will also be discussed.

Registration Details
  • This class is free to attend.
  • Registration for this class can be done by website submission only.
  • Attendees are welcome to bring one guest to this class.


This class is held inside the Wilson Place building, located at 52 Harrison Street, Johnson City, NY. Class is located in the conference room across the hall from the Wilson Place Pharmacy.

Raffle Drawing

At each UHS Childbirth Education class, one randomly-selected winner will receive a gift.


Please contact communications.marketing@nyuhs.org and include "Childbirth Education" in the subject line.